
An Important Donation

A $20,000 DONATION

The National Vet Court Alliance, a Stafford County-based group focused on increasing the number of veterans dockets nationwide and decreasing the prevalence of suicide among former servicemembers, donated $20,000 last week to the Rappahannock Regional Veterans Treatment Docket.

The money came from a partnership between the alliance and lead sponsor GOYA foods, said Daniel Cortez, group chairman. He and Bob Unanue, CEO of GOYA, previously served together on a national commission.

Cortez said the partnership will work to raise $1 million as seed money for construction of a local complex to serve veterans throughout the Fredericksburg region. The effort is needed, Cortez said, to combat national statistics cited on the alliance’s website, which states an average of 20 to 22 veterans commit suicide every day and more than 500,000 face legal problems.

“Our veterans are the backbone of our nation,” Unanue said. “GOYA is proud to stand with the National Vet Court Alliance and the compassionate actions of Virginia’s Veteran Treatment Courts and Dockets.”